The Festival of Polish Music

08 Jul 2021 - 18 Jul 2021
Kraków, Poland
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

The fe­sti­val has be­en or­ga­ni­sed sin­ce 2005 by the Po­lish Mu­sic As­so­cia­tion, es­ta­bli­shed by a gro­up of mu­si­co­lo­gi­sts, cul­tu­re ma­na­gers and mu­sic lo­vers.

The es­sen­ce of the fe­sti­val is not on­ly to pre­sent va­lu­able works by Po­lish com­po­sers cre­ated from the Mid­dle Ages to the pre­sent day, but al­so to con­front them with world mu­sic and show them in va­rio­us con­te­xts. The or­ga­ni­sers al­so aim to sti­mu­la­te com­po­si­tio­nal cre­ati­vi­ty by com­mis­sio­ning and pre­mie­ring con­tem­po­ra­ry mu­sical works.

So far, the stars of the fe­sti­val ha­ve be­en pia­ni­sts Ivo Po­go­re­lich and Ni­co­lai Kho­zy­ainov, worl­d-fa­mo­us vio­li­nist Ni­gel Ken­ne­dy, as well as: Aca­de­my of St. Mar­tin in the Fields, Lon­don Sin­fo­niet­ta, Elż­bie­ta Choj­nac­ka, Aki­ko Su­wa­nai, Piers La­ne, Pe­ter Ja­blon­ski, Jo­na­than Plow­ri­ght, Gri­go­ry Ży­slin and ma­ny others. Pro­mi­nent per­so­na­li­ties of the Po­lish mu­sic sce­ne al­so per­for­med: Krzysz­tof Pen­de­rec­ki, Agniesz­ka Ducz­mal, Je­rzy Mak­sy­miuk. The fe­sti­val al­so ho­sted out­stan­ding com­po­sers: Woj­ciech Ki­lar, Hen­ryk Mi­ko­łaj Gó­rec­ki, Pa­weł My­kie­tyn.

Fe­sti­val Di­rec­tor: Pa­wel Or­ski – of­fi­ce­

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Partner hotel , AirBnb

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Opera

Support for disabled people
