02 09 Mozart Requiem Festival Delle Nazioni 2018© Monica Ramaccioni 2

Festival delle Nazioni

20 Aug 2021 - 18 Sep 2021
Citta di Castello, Italy Citerna, Italy Montone, Italy San Giustino, Italy Sansepolcro, Italy Morra, Italy Umbertide, Italy Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, Italy

Cultural centre of the Upper Tibery Valley, the Festival delle Nazioni, since its beggining has had a distinctive identity in the European panorama. In 50 years of great artistic and cultural experiences, the Festival has given to all the European nations the chance to offer to an extendend public their most significative musical traditions, dedicating every year to one of them its artistic, cultural and musical project. Moreover, the Festival has always contributed with firm belief in the diffusion of the XX Century culture commiting to contemporary musicians such as Salvatore Sciarrino, the production of premieres, showing that it is possible and fruitful to link traditions with the most innovative expressions of music. The international identity of the Festival has oriented its artistic choices beyond the political-cultural and geographic horizons. Let’s consider guest nations such as Spain, Poland or Israel which brought to the encounter between musical groups and artists from the jewish and islamic traditions. Furthermore, the Festival has had the merit to appraise and make the artistic treasures of the Upper Tibery Valley known, contributing to the development of a quality tourism. From Sansepolcro to Anghiari, from Morra to Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, from San Giustino to Umbertide, from Citerna to Montone and Città di Castello, all the museums, the churches and the theatres of this area have been the scenary for great concerts and extraordinary interpreters such as: Uto Ughi, Salvatore Accardo, Luciano Pavarotti, Krystian Zimerman, Gidon Kremer, Shlomo Mintz, Krystof Penderecky, Yuri Bashmet, the Quartetto Amadeus, Alexander Lonquich e Mstislav Rostropovich who performed for the Festival one of his last concerts. All great artists who have marked the history of the musical Italian and European culture.
Since its debut, the Festival delle Nazioni, has been sustained by the Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali, by the Regione dell’Umbria, by the Provincia of Perugia and by the local authorities of the Upper Tibery Valley and of Città di Castello. The latter has distinguished the Festival as the main event through which promote its identity in Umbria, Italy and Europe.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Partner hotel



Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o


City center , Suburbs , Village

Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Ballet , Contemporary Dance , Interdisciplinary , Music , Classical Music , Jazz

Support for disabled people
