Festival Internazionale dei Burattini e delle Figure Arrivano dal Mare!
The International Festival of Puppets and Figures Arrivano dal Mare! is one of the oldest and international recognized puppet theatre Festivals in Italy. In 2021 it will be the 46th edition.
The Festival takes place in two different moments of the year.
The main part of the Festival takes place during the month of May in Ravenna, at the Artificerie Almagià, which is an important industrial archeology location managed by various cultural associations in the area. During a week, the Festival organizes more than 50 appointments including, of course, many shows by Italian and foreign companies but also an international study conference, an UNIMA Union Internationale de la Marionette - Italy department meeting, an exhibition and many workshops, all dedicated to puppet theatre and art.
The second part of the Festival takes place during the month of October in three small cities of the Forlì-Cesena area: Gambettola, Gatteo and Longiano. It lasts a weekend and has a more local taste; it is mainly dedicated to the citizens of the area and has an off-theatre section dedicated to new young companies and to research theatre.
Every year, the festival hosts italian and foreign puppeteers and artists, Festival directors, organisers, scholars and academics, critics and amateurs to talk, discuss, listen, watch, know and share opinions about the wonderful world of Puppet Theatre in its many meanings, from the most traditional to the most contemporary techniques.
The Festival is organized by Teatro del Drago/Monticelli Art Family, with the support of the municipalities of Ravenna, Gambettola, Gatteo and Longiano, of the Emilia-Romagna Region and of the MIBACT Ministry of Art, Culture and Turism.