
Festival Les Instants Vidéo... in front of a useless sentence

21 Oct 2022 - 22 Jan 2023
Marseille, France Marseille, France Aix-en-Provence, France

The festival Les Instants Vidéo is an event dedicated to video arts and electronic poetry (monobands, installations, performances, multimedia... ). It is a laboratory where internationally renowned artists and works of arts can meet with works that are more fragile, still in progress and delicate. There is no competition. We don't give a theme but a title to our manifestation like one does for a collection of poems, ... in front of a useless sentence.

This year's edition will present 183 artworks, by 206 artists from 42 countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cuba, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Quebec, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA.

The festival is made of different spaces of time. The international Encounters occur in Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseilles, November 9 to 12. And either before or after these dates, we acted in concert with partners to organise the festival stopovers in other spaces in Marseille, Aix en Provence, Nice and abroad in Milan (Italy), Gaza (Palestine) and Ispahan (Iran).

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Fast snack , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Film , Interdisciplinary , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
