Kyiv Comic Con
What is Kyiv Comic Con? Kyiv Comic Con — Ukrainian biggest pop culture convention attended by more than 12 thousand people in 2018. It takes place annually since 2015, usually in the mid of May or early June. The program of the event covers many fields of popular culture and is divided in 8 sections: Comic books, Video Games, Cinema, Cosplay & LARP, Board Games, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Literature, Anime & Manga and special program for children.
What to expect inside?
Event occupies more than 7000 m2, allowing us to locate many booths and stands with interactive entertainment. For example, Kyiv Comic Con hosts Ukraine biggest boards games party with tens of publishers, clubs and organizations participating.
Our venue has it’s own big cinema hall with 477 seats and modern high end audio and video equipment. This allows us to host premiere screenings of Hollywood blockbusters, Ukrainian films, and Japanese anime. We also organize presentations of upcoming movies and video games, panels with studios and creators.
We are very proud of our intellectual program: in two special audiences we host discussions, presentations, seminars and work-shops on variety of topics including IT, literature, psychology, arts, creation of comics, video-games and movies production. Comic Con is the main Ukrainian convention for comic book presentations.
And we also host biggest cosplay show.