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Roztoc fest

15 Aug 2024 - 18 Aug 2024
Běleč, Czechia

Roztoč fest is an international festival of movement arts, circus and flow arts. The first eight years were held in Prague. In 2022, the 9th year of the festival took place for the first time at the missile base in Bratronicy with the support of the local functioning association and the mayors of the neighboring villages. Thus, a new tradition of organizing the festival in an unconventional and specific place was established. The base will also host the 11th annual Roztoč fest. Over the course of five days, the festival will offer participants various forms of Flow art and other related artistic genres or concerts. Roztoč fest has an interactive character, it actively involves the audience in its events and offers many opportunities to acquire new skills. A worldwide trend is interest in the disciplines of the new circus or Flow art. We encounter a similar trend in the Czech Republic. Flow art is the domain of Roztoč fest, and that's why it wins first place in our country. the year 2024, it is again important to connect, develop and innovate the genres present.

Specifically, the art known in the world as “FLOW ARTS” gave rise to this festival and its name. It is also closely related to the art called "object manipulation". In both cases, it is a movement and a dance with equipment. Unlike juggling (with which it is sometimes confused), flow arts explores the possibilities of "flowing with an object" using various manipulative techniques and is a popular form of active meditation. Unlike some new circus disciplines, which require long-term preparation, physical disposition and balancing skills for performances, flow arts is more open to complete beginners. It can be seen as a popular leisure activity, but it is currently experiencing a progressive dimension and becoming a full-fledged artistic discipline.The dramaturgical aim of the festival is to raise awareness of this artistic discipline and introduce the audience to leading world artists who are innovating this field.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

above 50 euro




Fast snack , Self service resto , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus



Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Circus , Music , Electronic Music

Support for disabled people
