2024_ID Festival #7 web2 © Luca Bogoni.jpg

ID Festival

11 Apr 2024 - 14 Apr 2024
Berlin, Germany

Featuring 120 artists and performers from Israel, Germany, and the USA, this Israeli-German festival presents a multifaceted programme encompassing theatre, concerts, interactive formats, workshops, and exhibitions. Themed /ending_rebirth_growth/, this edition marks the culmination of a 7-festival cycle. The artistic discourse delves into various 'endings,' including the end of life, the end of poetry, overcoming post-war trauma, the end of democracy in Israel, the end of the Zionist dream, and the potential end of human art through intelligent machines. ID Festival underscores that an end can serve as a catalyst for new beginnings and foster personal as well as societal growth. This final edition promises a thought-provoking and transformative experience. ID Festival will take place within the premises of the festival’s long-standing partner, Radialsystem, under the matronage of Minister of State, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Claudia Roth.

Annually since 2015, the ID Festival (Israel-Deutschland) explores through art and discussions the dynamics between communities of various backgrounds, Israelis and-non Israelis, people of diverse political and religious beliefs, gender and sexual orientations, physical abilities, and also the underprivileged and refugees.

The ID Festival highlights the connection between the “I” and the “D” of its acronym as a paradigm of hope, change, tolerance and understanding.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Digital Arts , Literature , Music , Classical Music , Theater

Support for disabled people
