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International Jazz Festival "Jazz Bez"

06 Dec 2018 - 17 Nov 2018
Dobrovelychkivka, Ukraine Białystok, Poland

«Jazz Bez» is the most experienced and wide-spread Ukrainian-Polish
festival with a center in Lviv!
«Jazz Bez» unites dozens of Ukrainian and Polish cities, hundreds of
musicians, thousands of jazz fans, endless kilometers and much more of the
jazz colors - all in one fantastic holiday of music and freedom.
«Jazz Bez» is the ten days of jazz: traditional and avant-garde, Ukrainian
and world wide, modern and accessible at the same time. The highlight of
the festival is the combination of the maximum number of jazz styles.
But the main issue of «Jazz Bez» is to gather music projects who are
making the future of the world jazz in our days.
Since the founding of the festival «Jazz Bez» in 2001, the number of
musicians who played here exceeded a thousand!

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Jazz