AMUZ (Flanders Festival Antwerp)
AMUZ (Flanders Festival Antwerp) aims to present and cultivate cultural, educational and scientifically substantiated activities in the field of music and related art forms, both at AMUZ and on location, at a regional, national and international level. AMUZ organises concerts, courses, lectures and other similar activities to fulfil this aim. The focus is always on the principles of historically informed performance practice.
Historically informed performance practice means that a musical creation is performed on the basis of current information about the original composition and the instruments with which it was played at the time of its creation, without detracting from the artistic interpretation of the performing musicians.
AMUZ subscribes to these principles for both historical and contemporary creations.
In that context, AMUZ also aims to work closely with other organisations that have demonstrated their excellence in the study of historical performance practice, in particular the Alamire Foundation.
AMUZ itself also aims to be the centre of excellence for the performance of polyphonic music according to historical performance practice, for example by organising a high-quality annual music festival with an international allure that focuses on polyphony: Laus Polyphoniae.
In the activities it offers, AMUZ pays particular attention to:
- the artistic education of children, young people and adults
- connecting art and society by means of participatory projects
- the scientific substantiation of the music offered
- the development of new artistic talent
AMUZ does so
- within the specific metropolitan character of the city of Antwerp
- in active cooperation with the Flemish and international cultural field
- for an audience that is as diversified as possible