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08 Jul 2021 - 11 Jul 2021
Cagliari, Italy
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.

The Cortoindanza Festival is born with the aim of creating a place that can host choreographic pieces or works in progress in order to stimulate mobility and circulation within a specific showcase highlighting the choreographic work of performing artists who are active on the regional, national/international territories. The aim of this project is to support the research throughout the making and production of a choreography in short form, a “Corto”, - max 10’ – considering the multidisciplinary fields of contemporary dance/ circus arts/ dancetheatre to promote the meeting and collaboration among artists having different educational backgrounds or provenance. The primary identity of this project is targeted to the activities promoted by Tersicorea, which for several years has distinguished itself for its strong teaching and formative tools and for its active commitment to the spread of new education in dancing and theatre uprising support to young artists constantly involved with consolidated reality throughout the national and international territory.

Since 2008, the Festival has created a network of International exchange:
“MED’ARTE NETWORK” that supports young emerging artists from all over the world with particular attention to countries that are at risk of peace or facing civil conflicts.

1. “Med’arte” is a free and independent network. Proponent partners conceive their function as “messengers” of contemporary art in the world, acting through the influence of new tendencies that the language of dance has taken in European history.

Partners: (Main Promoter) Associazione Tersicorea Sardegna/Cagliari
Compagnia Heliotropion - Francia/Parigi; Compagnia Zerogrammi - Piemonte/Torino; Compagnia Borderlinedanza - Campania/Salerno; Cie Twain physical dance theatre - Lazio/Roma; Centro Daiva Jyoti (Cie La Bagarre)- Piemonte/Torino; Compagnia Nut - Lombardia/Milano; Compagnia Càjka - Teatri di mare - Sardegna/Cagliari; Asmed Associazione Sarda Musica e Danza-Sardegna/QuartuSant’Elena; Maya INC Società Cooperativa Art - Sardegna/ Quartucciu; Compagnia Muxarte - Sicilia/Palermo; L’Associazione Enti Locali per le attività Culturali e di Spettacolo; CEDAC -Circuito Multidisciplinare/Sardegna;Cooperativa Sant’Elia 2003 s.c.a.r.l; La FucinaTeatro/Crogiuolo - Sardegna/Cagliari; Compagnia Koreoproject - Puglia/ Lecce; Associazione Pin Doc - Sicilia/Palermo; Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee - Toscana/Firenze; Caravansar Producción Y Gestión - Granada/Spagna; Asociacion Cultural Metacau - Granada/Spagna; Associazione Onlus Fondazione Domus De Luna Sardegna/Cagliari; Compagnia Lucidosottile / Cagliari; Centro_Servizi di_Ateneo Hortus_Botanicus Karalitanus (HBK) -Università degli_Studi di Cagliari; Teatro Cafè de Las Artes - Santander/Spagna; Associazione culturale Motus Musica e Danza - Sardegna/Sassari; La Même Balle in qualità di rappresentante del Projet Insomnia con direzione artistica Anthony Mathieu - Avignon/Francia; Teatro del Sottosuolo -Carbonia/Sardegna

2. Permutazioni: (Soggetto Promotore ) Zerogrammi (Piemonte) in collaborazione con Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo//Lavanderia a Vapore; Università degli Studi di Torino/DAMS. (Piemonte); (Sardegna)

The Festival throughout the years has guaranteed the production and mobility of a consistent number of projects in the field of choreography, (over 150 works were identified hailing from: Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Ivory Coast, Scotland, Denmark, Germany, Egypt, Brazil, Tunisia, North and West Africa, Mexico, Columbia, Armenian), rewarding the originality, the creativity, the drama and communication capacity across “Non Verbal” language. The anthropological approach ensures that artists, through a shared program, can make visible the artistic path of each author who thus "lives" in a context of comparison and intergenerational dialogue and communication and overcoming cultural / territorial and linguistic barriers, in the frame of the Mediterranean territory.

The goal is to open its own research process to other professionals within the same field, exchanging and mentoring for the development of personal experimentation, confronting relationship between methodology/poetry/technique until reaching the choreographic production.

Incentive to for the choreographic composition and research
The Committee will have a fellowship budget whose total amount will be communicated in the announcement and will ensure the distribution of this amount .

Channeling / Mobility: On the basis of strictly subjective criteria, the members of the Commission responsible for programming at festivals or shows will be free to choose the projects that best meet their programming needs and artistic lines.

Artistic Residency: Based on strictly subjective criteria the Committee members, holders of artistic residence centers, will be free to choose the projects that best suit their artistic lines and to agree with the applicant concerning the residency periods.This section was created to give an opportunity of growth. In this sense all Committee members will be available for the artists to guide them in the artistic development and choices and help them to go through weaknesses or doubts. They are given the opportunity of an artistic residency with the use of free rehearsal spaces, an economic incentive and the reimbursement of travel costs and accommodation in agreement with the owner of the residence concerned.

Incentive “Special mentions“: Special mentions are addressed to specific projects for which it is worth to underline and highlight special peculiarities.


Deadline for submitting projects: June 8, 2021
a) There is no subscription fee to pay. After a pre-selection the first 7 projects/artists will be able to attend the announcement. All eligible participants in projects selected will be supported through the allocation of the following incentives: (all the incentives provide a relative amount of money)
Our announcement is based on totally different criteria from the usual, because it was born to support the production, mobility, artist exchange, residency, providing a financial support to consolidate the complete production.

b) guarantee of support from the organization Tersicorea Artists permanence during the 4 days of the Festival for a maximum of 2 (two) artists per each project, refers to housing (excluding food and travel). The company will provide itself the costs for any extra component of the project.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Partner hotel , AirBnb


Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Ballet , Contemporary Dance , Interdisciplinary

Support for disabled people
