Mala Inventura Festival 2023
22 Feb 2023 - 01 Mar 2023
Prague, Czechia
This page contains information about a past festival edition. View the latest edition here.
FESTIVAL MALÁ INVENTURA is an annual showcase of the most significant theatre projects that emerged on the independent theatre scene in the past year. The festival programme accepts performances and other open formats and performative projects premiered (first performed) between 1 December 2021 and 30 November 2022.
The selected artists will present their projects at the venue where they were presenting it during the past year or an alternative venue.
The 2023 festival venues should include: Alfred ve dvoře, Studio Hrdinů, PONEC - theatre for dance, Archa Theatre, MeetFactory, Theatre X10, Studio ALTA, Venuše ve Švehlovce, Teatro NoD, Palác Akropolis, Cross Attic, A studio Rubín, Café Letka, La Fabrika, DOX, Veletržní palác - NG, and others.