PLACCC Festival
PLACCC International Festival of Site-specific Art and Art in Public Space, organized on a yearly basis since 2008, presents an international and local selection of art forms at unusual places and in public space. The consecutive editions of the festival are mostly organised in downtown Budapest, furthermore two special editions have been realised: in Pécs, under the aegis of the European Capital of Culture programme in May 2010, and in a mixed and ambivalent district of Budapest (Csepel) in May 2013. After this latter edition Placcc has continued working in Csepel, expanded their artistic activities to a more community-based and participative practices.
We also support public art projects of local (especially emerging) artists year-round. International collaborations as well as collaborations with other sectors – like universities or urban development / city planning companies and organisation, environmental organisations – play an important role in the activities of the Festival.
The main aims of Placcc are - at the same time and inseparably - artistic and social:
- to introduce a practically unknown artistic form in Hungary by offering a rich and varied cultural programme,
- to promote a better understanding of (contemporary) arts by engaging new audiences,
- to encourage and commission Hungarian artists to work outside of the traditional places and frames of art,
- to shed new light on the locations we inhabit with artistic projects,
- to serve as a platform for dialogue about the locations we inhabit and an opportunity for interdisciplinary encounters,
- to develop a critical approach towards the use of public space,
- re-think power mechanisms embedded in the (urban) context,
- to inspire awareness and a more proactive attitude in the way we think about our environments and our participation in public issues.