L-Għanja tal-Poplu - The People's Song
L-Għanja tal-Poplu - Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija (The People's Song - Festival of the Maltese Song) is organised annually on a national basis. The festival involves a yearlong artistic process – starting from reaching out to potential artists, song selection, and live auditions of songs that culminate final evening where songs are presented at Pjazza Teatru Rjal accompanied by the Malta Concert Orchestra. The event is broadcast live on Television Malta (TVM). The mission of the organisation is to encourage and mentor songwriters and composers to create quality songs in the Maltese language and award and promote songs in Maltese to generate appreciation among the Maltese population.
The 47th edition of L-Għanja tal-Poplu is expected to take place in July 2023. The date will be announced in January 2023.