
47° Festival di Morgana

03 Nov 2022 - 13 Nov 2022
Punta Raisi, Italy

From 3 to 13 November 2022 stories, performances, and suggestions from ancient Persia, Egypt, England, Spain, and Israel. Without forgetting Sicily and the other forms of art: writing, illustrations, workshops and films for children, music, screenings, and seminars.

This 47th edition of the Morgana Festival welcomes enchanting tales and images from distant lands. Ancient Persia, Egypt, and Israel: are all roots and wings of the narrative. From these remote and mysterious places, stories have often spread in written and oral form; they have flown over time and space until they reach us on the golden wings of narration until they become a single universal story.

"This new edition of the Morgana Festival delves into the depths of tales and stories that, tirelessly re-proposed in times and sometimes distant places, are custodians of ancient knowledge and, at the same time, catalysts and the open manifestation of the needs and fears, dreams and desires of who once again, or for the first time, comes across it.

In their incessant renewal, in their ability to welcome and transform themselves, they become places of peace, capable of containing conflicts and tensions in the mythopoetic universe. This is how with this edition of the Morgana Festival the search for roots becomes a search for oneself, through and together with the Other - comments the Director of the Marionette Museum of Palermo, Rosario Perricone -. In fact, this Festival will be opened by the Persian oral narration, with the two traditional narrative practices of “Naqqali” and ‘Pardeh-khani’ but also with a new production centred on the poem of the Persian poet Nezāmī. It continues with the Egyptian epic of the Chronicles Bānū Hilāl, ‘Al-Ṣīra al-Hilāliyya’ (recognized by Unesco among the intangible heritages of humanity). It finally gives room to the chivalric repertoire of the Opera dei pupi (the traditional puppet theatre of Sicily, Italy) and of the ‘cuntu’ (the Sicilian traditional oral narrative practice) while presenting the classic myth and tragedy (Hephaestus, Perseus and Medusa), that come to life even in critical rewritings (Me_Dee).

All these repertoires inspire narrative performances and traditional and contemporary theatre".

This unmissable and now historic event will take place from 3 to 13 November in Palermo: in the ancient Kalsa area. Together with the Antonio Pasqualino Marionette Museum - operational and entertainment centre - the events will take place also at the Church of S. Mattia Apostolo dei Crociferi, at the Church of SS. Euno and Giuliano and at the Rita Borsellino school, in Magione Square.


READ THE FULL PROGRAM: www.festivaldimorgana.it - www.museodellemarionette.it

Free admission

Bookings www.festivaldimorgana.it

Infos: 00369.(0)91.328060 - www.museodellemarionette.it - www.festivaldimorgana.it

The Morgana Festival is organized by the Association for the Safeguarding of Popular traditions of Palermo (Italy) and directed by Rosario Perricone.

This 47° edition is financed by:

Ministero dei Beni e delle attività culturali e del Turismo - Direzione generale Spettacolo dal vivo, Legge 20 febbraio 2006, n.77, progetto “L'opera dei pupi siciliani: pianificazione strategica, trasmissione, valorizzazione”; Regione siciliana - Assessorato del Turismo dello Sport e dello Spettacolo, Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell'Identità Siciliana; Città metropolitana di Palermo; Comune di Palermo - Assessorato alle Culture; Instituto Cervantes; Ufficio culturale Ambasciata di Israele in Italia; Acción Cultural Española (AC/E);

It is organized in collaboration with:

Fondazione Ignazio Buttitta; Ersu; Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Demoetnoantropologici - SIMBDEA;

Under the patronage of Unima Italy e Icom.


Director: Rosario Perricone

Organization: Maria Fasino

Promotion: Monica Campo, Chiara Vaglica

Communication: Elisa Bonacini, Martina Randazzo

Press Officer: Alessia Franco

Administrative Office: Maria Teresa Gnoffo, Daniela Casamento

Technicians: Francesco Cutrona, Paolo Benfante, Giuseppe Caropepe

Audio-light service: Job project

Video and photo shooting: Francesco La Bruna, Giacomo Bordonaro

Web master: Salvo Leo

Graphic design: Cristina Stassi.

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Village

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Folklore and folk arts , Heritage , Interdisciplinary , Theater

Support for disabled people
