[Go Green] Granada Improfest
26 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023
Granada, Spain
Granada ImproFest 'GIF' is a multidisciplinary and intercultural festival/encounter of improvising artists with various backgrounds, mainly coming from Granada and Denmark.
Granada Improfest 'GIF' 2023 had, as part of the programme, a series of workshops. One of them was focused directly on the environment and waste impact, and how to deconstruct the mainly plastic waste, transform it and give it a new creative practical use. The workshop was titled "Creative trash immersion" by Giovanna Albani, an oceanographer specialising in ocean pollution, and was open for both artists and visitors to participate. During thefestival days, we asked visitors and artists to keep their own waste and save it until the last day, when they were guided in the workshop to explore the new possibilities for it and use them in the following parade. After a full 3 hours journey of exploration with our waste, we created new musical instruments, costumes and performative objects that we use for an improvisation Parade through the streets of Granada, interacting with its surroundings and people passing by. To our surprise, participants were also very engaged during the week, collecting and cleaning their own waste, and saving it for later creative uses in the context of the Festival,which has an interdisciplinary artistic improvisation nature. In this way, we addressed waste and environmental awareness during the whole festival, receiving special comments afterwards from the artists, as their conception of what they produce became very present and revealing what we can do creatively with it.
More info: Granada Improfest
(General editor: Simon Mundy)