[Go Green] Tradidanças - Folk, Dance, Music & Nature Festival

30 Jan 2024

Tradidanças - Folk, Dance, Music & Nature Festival

São Pedro do Sul, Portugal

Tradidanças is a trad/folk festival of Traditions, Dance, Music and Nature
surrounded by the mountains.

Go Green Festivals 2

Tradidanças is a festival that takes place in a forest full of oaks and other native species. It is an event that from the beginning sought to disseminate environmentally sustainable practices among participants and the local community. In 2023, in addition to the usual installation of dry bathrooms, there was an increase in environmental programming, and a Composting Station was created for Ecological Sanitation where the process of treating organic waste from the event began. This station is located next to the oak forest and consists of the use of old greenhouses to house waste in the composting process, and to demonstrate to the public how the ecological sanitation of the event was carried out. The hard plastic cover used in the greenhouses has allowed the properly prepared processing material to be protected from the weather, in order to demonstrate its status to the Tradidanças 2024 audience.

More info: Tradidanças

(General Editor: Simon Mundy)