Perform Europe Opening Event
What if you had the opportunity to collectively reimagine international touring of performing arts works in a more sustainable, balanced and inclusive way? Prepare to hit the road because we invite you on an 18-month journey to test, discuss and propose a new support scheme for the performing arts: Perform Europe.

Perform Europe is an innovative and highly-anticipated project for the performing arts sector which will support experiments to find more sustainable ways for international touring of performing arts works - physical and digital - in all the Creative Europe countries.
Join Perform Europe’s online Opening Event on 28 January at 14:00 CET, a key starting point for policy-makers and the sector at large.
Take part in this event to understand better how festivals can benefit from and contribute to this project.

The Opening Event is divided into two parts. Check the full programme here.
1. Plenary Opening - 14:00-15:00 PM CET
Open to anyone interested in the performing arts and its transnational work upon registration, the Plenary Opening will introduce the project’s guiding values and vision and the opportunities it will provide for performing arts professionals from all backgrounds and horizons in Creative Europe countries.
Perform Europe’s 18-month trajectory will be presented step-by-step, followed by a Q&A. A brief keynote from an artist will also stress out the needs for transnational performing arts circulation.
2. “Imagine the Future” Talks - 15:15-17:00 PM CET
This session will offer a few expert points of view on various aspects related to the distribution of the performing arts. It will also invite 80 sector representatives and policy-makers to envisage some elements for a future support scheme for the distribution of the performing arts in Europe.
Perform Europe starts with you. Be part of the performing arts’ touring future. Register now and join Perform Europe’s Opening Event!

Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and coordinated by a Consortium composed of IETM, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN - European Dancehouse Network and IDEA Consult.