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The 24th edition of the Gdansk Shakespeare Festival was moved entirely online. Despite of this being a challenge for the organisers, it allowed them to develop a platform that remains a great asset for the future of this festival.
The Voila! Europe Theatre Festival 2020 festival went ahead with no cancellations thanks to the resilience and dedication of the artists and the team at The Cockpit. They focused on the "liveness" of the festival in spite of the online format, as they did not want to lose the sense of community that this creates among the audience.
Although our EFFE Label MASDANZA Festival welcomed less international artists in 2020, the festival grew into a 3-week festival including an extension with new stages in the other Canary Islands.
Athens Digital Arts Festival aims to promote all aspects of digital creativity and since the beginning of the pandemic succeeded to create remarkable events. This festival hosted the first digital art online streaming festival in Greece and one of the first in Europe. It fosters local as well as international artists and communities.
The Divine Comedy not only had to fight against the adversities of the pandemic but also faced a very inestable political climax that irrevocably divided the Polish society. In Poland, theatre is more than just a space for entertainment and this festival is very much aware of this fact: It is a crucial place for building identity and community discussion.
ReMusica Festival is one of the main pillars of cultural life in Kosovo. The 2020 edition presented a new format adapted to new circumstances brought by the pandemic. Despite this, it preserved the quality of other editions and played a significant role in the promotion of local artists and composers, artistic capacity building, music education and innovation.
The Sacrum Profanum Festival has always brought together the old and the new. Their response to the pandemic was to launch PLAY KRAKÓW, which is one of the few niche streaming platforms that focus on heavily curated materials, working mostly with local partners and promoting local culture.
Grandezze & Meraviglie - Festival Musicale Estense is the longest-running early music festival in the region of Emilia Romagna in Italy. The pandemic impulsed this festival to rethink its online presence. They are aware of the value of video streaming tools, even though they recognise that recordings cannot replace live events.
The 30th anniversary edition of Malta Festival Poznań focused on the festival's local dimension as the pandemic made it impossible to produce the planned international programme. However, they managed to organise a 'festival on tour' holding events in innovative settings such as rivers, lakes, housing estates or fields.
In 2020, the 60th Krakow Film Festival was moved entirely online. It was scary but it had a great success: the festival attracted twice the usual audience. For this reason, they decided to maintain a hybrid format in the future, in order to keep trascending time and geographical limitations.
Góbéfest is an unique festival that moves the heart of Eastern Europe to the United Kingdom for a short period of time each year. In 2020, despite of having an online format, this festival included a broad programme going from live streamed workshops to an encyclopedia of music.
Varaždin Baroque Evenings is one of the oldest and most renowned festivals of early music in the entire world. Their 2020 edition was not only special because of the pandemic but also they commemorated their 50th anniversary and even managed to celebrate it.